Trang chủ \ Album ảnh \ Album 3
Album 3
Cơm chiên cá mặn Fried Rice with Fish
Cơm chiên với Nấm Fried Rice with Mushroom
Bánh xèo Nhật bản Okonomiyaki Japanese
Nấm nướng giấy bạc Grilled Mushroom
Cơm bò xào cần Rice with Sauteed
Mì xào thập cẩm Noodles sauteed vegetables
Cơm chiên Thơm Fried Pineapple Rice
Cơm chiên dương châu Fried Rice with Veget
Walking into Isec is like walking into a Buddhist monastery. Roughly-hewn wooden furniture and wafting ‘Om’ mantras humming in the air immediately soothe the soul....
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